4 Ag-Tech Leaders Who Are Smashing Geographical Silos

Are geographical silos impacting our ability to communicate a unified vision in precision agriculture? It’s a loaded question, for sure, with no simple answer. But it’s one that technology-focused leaders should ask themselves if they truly want to make sense of the ever-changing precision ag market.

One way to break down these silos is to empower members of your team to experience ag tech on a global scale. Immerse yourself and your employees into other precision agriculture markets to learn how technology is being used abroad. While the agronomics in other countries are likely to differ from what you’re familiar with, the solutions being used elsewhere may still be applicable to your fields. Experiencing for the first time how people in other countries go about their daily jobs in precision agriculture is a great way to broaden your perspective. Ultimately, it could help bring everything that has been too close to you up until now, into much clearer vision. What valuable insight this would be to your organization, and the greater industry as a whole.


PrecisionAg has been fortunate to partner with many people that have enhanced their ag-tech career with a global outlook. Here’s a look at four such individuals who are helping to drive agribusiness forward.

Nicocelli Netto

Precision agriculture consultant and PrecisionAg.com contributing writer Mauricio Nicocelli Netto doesn’t let being based in his home country of Brazil stop him from experiencing ag tech in other countries. Mauricio, along with two colleagues from Brazil’s Instituto Mato-Grossense do Algodão (IMAmt), a crop research company owned by the Mato Grosso Cotton Growers Association, recently traveled to Australia to meet local companies and seek partnerships in development. While he was extremely impressed with the technological innovation he saw in Australia, Mauricio said it was much more than just that. “I was even more impressed and grateful for the hospitality, education, and patience of the Australian agricultural professionals who made our trip very rich in exchange for knowledge,” he said in this trip recap.


Fellow Brazilian and contributor Rodrigo Trevisan has also smashed down geographical silos. As co-founder and the head of research and development of technological solutions for agribusiness at Smart Agri in São Paulo, Rodrigo recently moved to the U.S., where’s he’s now a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He’s placed a huge emphasis on attending as many tech conferences throughout the world to gain valuable insight he would not get otherwise. Rodrigo’s “10 Key Takeaways from the 2019 PrecisionAg VISION Conference” is a prime example of this.

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To say Reinder Prins has broadened his perspective on precision ag is an understatement. Originally from The Netherlands, Reinder is currently Marketing Manager for Agworld based in Perth, Western Australia. Prior to this, he was precision agriculture adoption lead for an ag retailer focused on the cotton industry on Australia’s east coast. He then moved to South America and worked as a freelancer in digital agriculture before returning to Australia. In other words, he’s been all around the ag-tech map. One of our most popular contributors, the well-traveled Reinder has gained in-depth knowledge of precision agriculture that covers a wide range of geographical regions, including his observations of digital ag in New Zealand.


Finally, Marc Vanacht is perhaps the go-to authority when it comes to global perspectives in precision agriculture. As Principal of AG Business Consultants in St. Louis, MO, U.S., Marc is often tapped to speak at key industry events like the InfoAg Conference, the VISION Conference, and the International Forum of Agricultural Robotics (FIRA) to share his take on precision developments from around the world. In fact, his presentation at the VISION Conference earlier this year covered digital farming from China to Latin America and everywhere in between. Marc paints a compelling picture of how ag technology is being used worldwide. Oh, and it certainly helps that Marc is fluent in five languages (English, French, Dutch, German, and Spanish).

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