Report: AI and Analytics to Boost Efficiency in Indian Agriculture

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics holds the key to significantly boosting efficiency in Indian agriculture, according to a recent report by ASSOCHAM, in collaboration with knowledge partner Nangia Andersen, writes Pahi Mehra at TechCircle.

The study underscores the transformative potential of AI and analytics in optimizing routes, managing inventory, and predicting demand, thereby contributing to overall efficiency in the agricultural sector. To further encourage the adoption of these technologies, the report emphasizes the need for financial incentives, credit facilities, and insurance plans.


In addition to technological solutions, the report highlights the importance of farmer training through extension education and capacity building. Promoting farmer-led enterprises is seen as a crucial step in enhancing soil productivity. The report suggests that stakeholders should creatively leverage information and communication technology (ICT) in local contexts, tailoring it to address agricultural challenges and macroeconomic needs.

“Indian farmers are increasingly becoming open to new technologies and practices for enhancing productivity. They can be our champions of sustainability at the grassroot level,” ASSOCHAM Secretary General, Deepak Sood said.

Read more at TechCircle.

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