Best Agriculture Apps for 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in agriculture is booming, writes Matt Hopkins at CropLife. Just consider how spending on AI technologies and solutions alone is expected to grow from $1.7 billion in 2023 to $4.7 billion in 2028, according to Markets&Markets. That’s some serious financial horsepower fueling innovation from leading agricultural companies, as well as the nearly 300 AI-based agricultural startups in the U.S., according to recent analysis.

The AI explosion in agriculture is impacting mobile app development, too, especially as it relates to data. Specifically, AI is allowing apps to work with much larger datasets for analysis, says Reinder Prins, Marketing Lead at Leaf Agriculture, which focuses on data infrastructure in agriculture through API services that are used to power many agtech apps.


“Without AI, the number of data points that can be used by an app while keeping a good user experience is relatively limited,” Prins says. “With AI, the number of different data points that can be connected and analyzed at the same time is much larger. This allows for new and novel mobile apps to be developed with features that cannot be created without AI. Especially for the large number of IOT in-field sensors now available, being able to tie all the different data points together to form robust analysis is key.”

Agricultural apps are incorporating multiple, different data types, such as weather data, machinery data, IOT sensor data, and satellite imagery, Prins says. “Without AI it becomes impossible to tie all these different data types together and turn the resulting analysis into a useful outcome,” he says.

The fusion of AI with mobile app development has ushered in a new era of efficiency and data-centric practices in the agricultural sector. This is playing out, according to industry experts, in a number of different ways, including:

  • Precision Agriculture: AI enables apps to offer real-time data analysis, helping farmers optimize resource usage like water, fertilizers, and pesticides for higher yields and reduced costs.
  • Crop Monitoring and Pest and Disease Detection: AI-driven mobile apps have the capability to identify potential issues such as pest infestations, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies at an early stage. They analyze data from diverse sources like satellite imagery and sensors to provide timely alerts to farmers and suggest interventions.
  • Weather Predictions: AI-powered weather forecasting apps provide accurate, location-specific data, helping farmers make informed decisions regarding planting, harvesting, and irrigation.
  • Market Insights: AI assists in market analysis, helping farmers make informed decisions on when and where to sell their products for the best prices.
  • Data Integration: AI streamlines data from various sources, such as sensors, drones, and IoT devices, into a single app, providing a holistic view of farm operations.

While these enhancements are impressive on their own, they’re likely just scratching the surface when it comes to what’s possible with AI and mobile apps in agriculture.

To read more, including the list of best apps for 2024, visit CropLife.


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