Top 3 Trends to Watch in Digital Agriculture in 2021

Last year was one that we won’t forget. COVID-19 changed our world and impacted our daily lives, but as we worked through the challenges brought about in 2020, digital technology stood out as a shining star across all segments of our lives. This was also the case in agriculture,  and I expect that will continue into the new year. Below are some of the digital farming trends we can expect to see in 2021.

What Did We See in 2020?

The last 12 months have been an interesting ride for all of us, but as we look specifically at agriculture there were some trends and news that will impact our industry into the future. We saw a renewed focus on connecting by distance and using digital to communicate with others. We saw more collaboration and platform agreements in the digital agriculture space, increasing product capabilities outside of individual organizational footprints or expertise. We also saw an increased interest in sustainability — specifically focusing on carbon markets and supply chain initiatives. So, what will be the trends for 2021?



Collaboration in the industry has been a large staple of reflection in 2020 and will continue for 2021. From precision equipment to the farm management software connected across the operation, farmers need their tools to work together, and the demand for simple solutions is creating new opportunities. As platform agreements and integration between solution providers create options for farmers to connect previously separate technologies, we are beginning to see more collaboration and less “all-in-one” type of platform development and funding.

As digital agriculture continues moving toward majority adoption in 2021, farmers are more focused on uncovering additional value from existing tools rather than adopting and learning new products, or having multiple platforms to manage. We will also see increased integration of digital agriculture tools across other farm connections, such as insurance and grain origination.

Adoption Growth

Adoption is moving more toward the majority, and this is in large part due to infrastructural improvements (some yet to be fully realized) that will make technology more available, connected, and affordable in 2021. Initiatives like 5G and expansion of rural broadband will make the jump into digital easier for many farms. We also must note that while COVID-19 has brought attention to digital, other tactics are increasing adoption, such as more affordable solutions, and more centralized company strategies around digital becoming an integrated part of the broader industry, not just a footnote. With emphasis on affordability, better connectivity, and centralized strategies, 2021 will be a key year for adoption growth of digital tools.


Sustainability continues to be one of the mainstay messages we see weekly from organizations, both in agriculture and outside of our industry. Initiatives to incentivize and reward farmers for sequestering carbon have created a large buzz, and 2021 will be where the rubber meets the road and these initiatives turn into transactions. Sustainability — whether through traceability or niche production — could also see a rise in 2021 with diversification on-farm becoming more important following the supply chain disruption experienced in 2020. Farmers are resilient, and will continue to find opportunities to maximize profitability with new business potentials.

We will remember 2020 for years to come as the year that brought challenges, opportunities, and change to our world and our industry. The pandemic has brought more focus on agriculture, and the resilience of farmers and the industry to get through these challenges to keep our world running and food, fiber, and fuel production efficient. I’m very proud of our industry, and excited for 2021 to be the year of growth for digital agriculture.


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