How Technology Is Transforming Global Food Systems

Considering issues such as climate change and an ongoing global pandemic, humanity has plenty to worry about these days, writes Noah Rue at BBN Times. And in terms of impact on both environmental and humanitarian outcomes, food security is one of the most important issues in modern times. As the global population continues to rise, there’s an increasing strain on the global food system.

Put simply, we must find ways to feed everyone, keeping sustainability in mind while also considering economic interests. It’s a delicate balance, and there’s a growing urgency to find solutions before it’s too late. The consensus is that 9.1 million people will inhabit the Earth by 2050, necessitating a 70% increase in food production over current levels to keep everyone fed.


Fortunately, advancements in technology offer viable avenues toward transforming global food systems for the better, starting with supply and demand. To solve the issue of food insecurity, we must look at relevant data while also working to streamline the entire supply chain, from field to table. From scientific advancements in genetics to blockchain, automation, and beyond, technology holds the key to optimal supply chain management in a world that’s constantly evolving.

Read more at BBN Times.


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