Award Lauds Green Benefits Of Precision

I received a notice from manufacturer Hemisphere GPS last week about an award they received. Generally, these sorts of releases come and go without a lot of fanfare, but something about this one caught my eye. The company received the Deloitte Technology Green 15 Award, which recognizes companies that are “creating innovative, important, and economically viable intellectual property in the burgeoning field of green technology.” The release went on to note that Deloitte Technology Green 15 companies “are judged on technology solutions that deliver both a significant environmental impact and a compelling return on investment for their clients.” Guidance in all its forms is something that precision practitioners largely take for granted these days. But not unlike the impact of biotechnology, guidance has played a key role in helping growers and service providers reduce inputs, save energy, and get more efficient, all leading to a higher return on investment and lower environmental impact. I congratulate Hemisphere GPS for receiving this award. But it’s also a great thing that the benefits of technology advancements in ag are being recognized OUTSIDE agriculture. It’s a positive message that we must continue to champion.



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