10 Ways 5G Will Change Agriculture

Is a new ‘green revolution’ within reach? Agriculture is a multibillion dollar industry and one of the largest in the world, accounting for almost 1% of GDP in the U.K., 6% in the U.S. and 12% in Australia, writes Jamie Carter at 5Gradar. It’s also set to be a growing industry, with the demand for food set to increase as the world approaches a population of eight billion.

However, it’s an industry hugely affected by small changes in temperature and moisture levels, which often means that issues are only found when the damage has already been done. “In an era where crops are being left to rot because of a shortage of pickers, technology will be key to the agricultural industry’s survival,” says Daniel Valle, EMEA Chief Technologist, WWT. “Part of this will see farmers adopting 5G – a technology which will better support productivity, and a vital tool in preventing the passing of increasing costs of business to consumers.”


Cue agritech, which is about to get a boost from upcoming 5G-powered precision agriculture. “Agriculture is rapidly adopting transformative 5G technology to monitor the environmental conditions for optimum plant growth, and to track, feed, monitor livestock, and even milk cows without human intervention,” says Professor Mak Sharma at Birmingham City University. “Other examples include the ploughing, sowing, feeding, health monitoring, and harvesting of crops autonomously and without human intervention using 5G connected farm machinery.”

Continue reading at 5Gradar.

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