Canada: Western Drone Show Set for Winnipeg Debut in May

Coming up May 3 in Winnipeg, the Western Drone Show is expected to provide an opportunity for farmers, researchers, agronomists, students, teachers and industry to learn about the latest developments in drone technology and new federal regulations, writes Ron Lyseng for The Western Producer at

Matthew Johnson of M3 Aerial Productions has been planning the Western Drone Show for two years, and says there is a strong agricultural component in the presentations and exhibitors.


“We’re seeing a lot more certified crop advisers and farmers using drones on a regular basis,” Johnson told The Western Producer in a phone interview.“For crop scouting, a farmer can buy a camera-equipped, multi-rotor drone for $600. You can’t do precision ag with it, but you can scout your fields quite effectively. Farmers who want to do their own precision ag mapping need a fixed wing aircraft. With the large broad-acre fields we have, the fixed wing is more appropriate. You can expect to spend $20,000.”

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