CropTrak, SISC Release Stewardship Calculator 2.0 to Support Specialty Crop Supply Chain Collaboration for Regenerative Agriculture

Stewardship Index for Specialty Crops (SISC) and CropTrak have announced the public release of the Stewardship Calculator 2.0 to help growers measure a wide-range of on-farm data for better crop management and help brands more easily aggregate that data for sustainability and ESG reporting.

“Following a robust pilot program with leading brands and growers, we are now offering this online calculator of the SISC metrics to help standardize ways to create and maintain measurement across tier one supply chains. The updated tool enables consistent communication of aggregated data – the key ingredient users said would help improve transparency and adoption of more sustainable practices,” said Alison Edwards, Director, SISC.


Powered by CropTrak’s cloud technology platform, the Stewardship Calculator 2.0 is used to track broad regenerative ag practices including resource and nutrient management; on-farm energy/GHG; as well as biodiversity, food waste and water use efficiency. Developed in collaboration with retailers and suppliers such as Walmart and Del Monte, the SISC calculator helps inform sustainability reporting for brands and their suppliers, as well as to improve production plans and supply chain management practices.

“We were pleased to support the development of the new Stewardship Calculator for fruits, nuts and vegetables. Ensuring fresh food production meets the needs of consumers while protecting our planet is central to Walmart’s shared value, whole-system approach,” said Anabella de Freeman, Sr. Manager Sustainability Strategic Initiatives Produce at Walmart. “We are pleased the new calculator is now available to support our tier one suppliers and growers in their sustainability journey, and to track progress against our climate and regenerative agriculture commitments.”

In November 2021, SISC and CropTrak announced a partnership to build this new tool to help growers and their supply chain partners collaborate in improving natural resource management on the ground. Available free to growers, large retail brands are now using the cost-effective calculator to create a single reporting model linked to SISC’s industry recognized key performance metrics. The digital tool enables users to easily upload data that is automatically translated into standardized reporting metrics and reports for quick, easy communication to other partners.

“Our consumers want to know even more about where their food comes from and what sustainable practices are used on the journey from the farm to their table,” said Molly Laverty, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Senior Manager at Del Monte Foods. “The enhanced visibility and metrics from the new Stewardship Calculator helps provide opportunities for our growers and customers to share their data and insights, leading to greater transparency and sustainable impact metrics to nourish Earth’s goodness for generations to come.”

In support of industry-wide sustainability, Western Growers Association will be subsidizing costs for all WG members the use of this new SISC calculator for its initial two year roll out.

Interested users can sign up for the Stewardship Calculator 2.0 here.


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