Growing Innovations: One Event, Many Solutions

You have challenges. The cost and availability of quality labor. Food safety issues. Trade pressures. Making efficient use of scarce water resources. Dealing with mountains of data from all of the latest tools and technology, but having no way to really tie everything together. Specialty crop growers all over the U.S. deal with these issues on a daily basis, but there are solutions out there if you know where to look. Growing Innovations is a good place to start, writes Richard Jones at Growing Produce.

Now in its second year, Growing Innovations, which will take place Nov. 13-14, 2019 in Las Vegas, NV, is a unique event designed specifically for specialty crop growers. Everything about the show, from the conference program and speakers to the types of companies and products you’ll find on the Expo floor, has been put together with the needs of your farm business in mind. This isn’t an event that looks at what might be in development to help you five or 10 years down the road. Growing Innovations is about solutions that growers just like you are putting to work in their own operations today.


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