MicaSense Releases 10-Band Solution for Drone/Satellite Comparisons, Vegetation Research

MicaSense has released the RedEdge-MX Dual Camera Imaging System, a 10-band multispectral solution for advanced multispectral imaging applications that features RedEdge-MX and the new RedEdge-MX Blue, according to a company news release at PR Web. Consisting of two cameras yet utilizing the same workflow as one, the Dual Camera System is the easiest way to capture the data needed for cutting-edge vegetation research and drone/satellite comparisons.

With uses like shallow-water environmental monitoring and detailed chlorophyll efficiency analysis, twice the available bands truly means twice the analytical capabilities. Additionally, this is the first solution that captures the bands of Landsat 8 and Sentinel satellites enabling direct data comparison between satellite and drone data. With this solution, researchers and agricultural enterprises can now directly compare drone and satellite imagery to model trends and better predict yield into the future.


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