The Future of Farming? A ‘Swarm’ of Tractors

A young inventor and entrepreneur from northwest Indiana thinks the future of farm tractors is smaller, lighter, and abundant, writes Wes Mills at Inside INdiana Business. Zack James is the founder of Rabbit Tractors Inc. in Cedar Lake. James displayed his idea last week at the Forbes AgTech Summit held in Indianapolis where he hoped to get the attention of investors.

James’ Rabbits are significantly smaller than the traditional tractors you see in Indiana fields. His concept is to use a “swarm” of smart machines to accomplish the same amount of work by one large tractor. “The way we do farming is centered around that that piece of equipment. So, the concept is that instead of running one very large piece of equipment, you’re in five to 10 smaller units in a swarm within a field or across your entire operation at once,” says James.


Continue reading at Inside INdiana Business.


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