U.S.: Ohio Ag Cooperative Realizing the Key Benefits of a Digital Transformation

Six years ago, the leadership at Ohio cooperative Luckey Farmers, Inc., could see clearly that its business was in need of change, writes Paul Schrimpf at CropLife. Internally, managers and employees were struggling with efficiency and customer management processes that were less than optimal. From an antiquated phone system to its prescription and application process, “everything was a paper trail,” recalls Andrew Gladden, Luckey’s IT Director.

An ex-Marine, 17-year business owner, and expert in network administration, Gladden joined the company in May, 2014 to lead an evaluation of the organization, implement digital tools to streamline business practices, and create opportunities for Luckey Farmers to grow.


Headquartered in Woodville, Luckey is a full-service cooperative with 11 locations that stretch across the north-central and northwest farming regions of Ohio. Full-service agronomy programs feature soil sampling, prescription writing, custom application, scouting, and harvest data collection. It carries both liquid and dry fertilizer, and Luckey’s Gro-Mor seed line is popular in the region.

When Gladden arrived, he found managers and employees that were doing their best to keep trains rolling in an analog-centric, paper-driven process. But it was becoming apparent that everyone could be more focused and efficient with better underlying systems that reduced busy work and redundancy — and that would lead to deeper engagement with the most progressive farmers. With a top-down commitment from CEO Andy Swerlein and the cooperative board, Gladden dug in and got to work.

Continue reading at CropLife.


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