U.S.: Will 5G Connectivity Be the Solution for Rural Areas?

It is hard to watch television and not see a commercial promoting 5G connectivity these days, writes Lacey Newlin at High Plains Journal, but will it live up to all the hype in rural areas or are we in for a letdown? Ariel Wiegard, federal government relations lead at Syngenta, spoke recently at Commodity Classic about 5G’s possibilities and shortcomings for rural America.

“Digital is fast becoming a farm game-changer, but you can’t have digital without the internet and the future of internet is 5G,” Wiegard said. “Still about 35 million people in the U.S. don’t have any internet, and 19 million of those are in rural America and our farming communities. One estimate says it will take over a trillion dollars just to finish laying our 4G wireless to rural America.”


There is still a lot work to be done to bring all of rural America online, but the 5G progress is making headway, mainly in urban areas. Wiegard explained 5G connectivity as fifth generation wireless technology. Generally, the United States is running on 4G connectivity right now, but 5G promises much faster speeds. Some estimates indicate 5G will be 100 times faster than 4G.

Continue reading at High Plains Journal.

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