XAG Establishes Five Million Yuan Fund for Drone Disinfection Operation to Fight Coronavirus Outbreak

It is of greatest concern that the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has spread through more than 20 countries and become a global health emergency. To address the urgent need for strengthening disease prevention measures, a Chinese agriculture technology company XAG has announced on Friday that it would set up a 5-million-yuan special fund on coronavirus response, calling for voluntary drone disinfection operations in China, which is hardest hit by the epidemic.

XAG is actively pitching in to combat the contagious coronavirus with innovative technologies, as well as assisting local governments on public health safety. The 5-million-yuan fund is committed to providing XAG’s agricultural drone users with technical support to properly carry out aerial disinfectant sprays that help curb the spread of virus, especially in rural villages with weaker health systems and poorer sanitation conditions. Operations will target the densely populated outdoor public places and those communities having confirmed or suspected cases of coronavirus. Another focus of applications is intensive cleaning and disinfection of medical and epidemic prevention vehicles moving between affected and unaffected areas.


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