Sound Agriculture

At Sound Agriculture, we develop  innovative, on-demand crop solutions using biochemistry to unleash the natural power of plants to create a more agile and resilient agricultural solution. Our products help growers produce crops with fewer resources, supporting on-farm productivity and sustainability efforts. SOURCE™ is a new type of product that allows plants to tap into the soil’s ability to provide for the plant. Its unique mode of action works by activating microbes in the soil that initiate two important processes: nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization.

By doing so, SOURCE helps to unlock these important nutrients for a boost of in-season nutrition. Our modern technology approach is leading to more environmentally sound solutions for improved production and efficiency. By enhancing the symbiotic relationship between plants and soil, we have found a new way to improve crop health and productivity, while maintaining on-farm profitability.


As one grower said, “We have traditionally focused on trying to make improvements above ground, and we haven’t focused enough below ground. Finding ways to enhance the natural resources that exist is the next frontier, and that’s what Sound is working on.”

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