Field Data Management Software: 5 Key Takeaways From Stratus Ag Research Study

Since 2016, Stratus Ag Research has done an in-depth survey of farmers across North America identifying important trends, delivering keen insights, and empowering agribusinesses to inform their strategy and tactical efforts surrounding digital initiatives. In a recent issue of Upstream Ag, Shane Thomas shared a few of his takeaways from the 2023 results.

1. Retail Influence or Lack Thereof?

When it comes to informing farmers crop protection, and most crop input decisions, retailers are the most influential group of individuals.


Survey data from Stratus Ag Research in 2022 illustrated that when it comes to crop protection decisions, almost 92% of farmers say they consulted with their main retailer to inform their crop protection purchase decisions. However, when it comes to farmers having their crop input retailer work with them to analyze, interpret, and make recommendations based on their farm’s agronomic data— only 19% of software users said yes. A declining trend from 2021 when it was 25%.

The other aspect of this is that Stratus results suggest farmers need and want more support surrounding software. Farmers need support. Even among the most frequently used field data management software platforms, fewer than 15% of farmers indicated they know a lot about the software.

There are still major gaps in support for farm software users and farmers say they see services such as troubleshooting, software updates, training on new features, and equipment integration as useful, but they are not receiving adequate assistance.

Couple these two insights together from the survey data and it illustrates the opportunity for retailers to bridge that gap in support of farmers.

For more in-depth coverage, visit Upstream Ag.


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