Technology in Agriculture: It’s Our Game to Win

I’ve said it on more than one occasion over the years, as we in the distribution channel chart a course for future success and business sustainability in these challenging and rapidly changing times: It’s our game to win.

As the complexity of farming increases and the resources available to manage it become scarcer, the retailer’s opportunity to maximize its role as trusted adviser continues to grow.


That said, I know it’s not going to be easy. Margins on product sales are continuing to shrink, eroding the pure-play product sales model. Consolidation is reducing the number of partners retailers can rely on. The promise of technology is overshadowed by the complexity of its implementation, and the promise of high value and increased efficiency is often elusive.

For retailers, how we use inputs to manage difficult weed resistance issues, or ensure crops receive adequate nutrition under heavier regulatory stress will be the emphasis going forward. We will need to manage the people, the technology, our partnerships, and grower relationships more aggressively with an eye toward delivering value all along the crop production chain.

To help bring clarity and understanding to all these aspects of data-driven agriculture, I am thrilled to be a member of the leadership team launching an all new event this summer: The Tech Hub LIVE Conference and Expo.

This event is going to deliver a unique experience in agriculture technology. At ground level, a highly curated, CCA-focused education program will deliver a deeper learning experience for the agronomy personnel. For retail managers and technology stakeholders working in the agriculture value chain, the exhibit area and “Tech Talk” stage on the show floor will demonstrate how products and companies are collaborating to deliver value.

Networking and meeting opportunities will also be abundant, ensuring you’ll make valuable connections with the best and brightest that ag technology has to offer.

As technology and agriculture continue to evolve as they intersect, we as an industry must continue to connect, interact, and collaborate. I invite you to join us in Des Moines in July, and take greater control of your destiny. More information is on the website at

It is, indeed, our game to win.


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