AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting Registration is Now Open

AgGateway’s Mid-Year Meeting returns to a fully in-person experience this summer, and registration is now open.

The Mid-Year Meeting, set for June 13-16 at Prairie Meadows in Altoona, IA, connects the companies, organizations, and professionals that are actively working to bring seamless digital connectivity to the agriculture industry.


This is first and foremost a working event, where AgGateway members and volunteers gather to share ideas, identify key issues, and collaborate on projects and initiatives that lead to the creation and adoption of digital connectivity standards and messages. But non-members and prospective new members can quickly get up to speed on the state of digital connectivity as they consider the benefits of deeper involvement in AgGateway’s essential work.

“Improving digital connectivity is the water that raises all boats in agriculture,” says Brent Kemp, AgGateway President and CEO. “Innovation and value creation are maximized for farmers and their trusted partners when more of us are connected — that’s the essence of what we do at AgGateway, and is the ultimate goal of our Mid-Year Meeting.”

Key areas of focus for AgGateway teams will include field boundaries, feed and animal nutrition, in-field product identification, crop protection, crop nutrition, and more. A pre-conference workshop, “Tackling Adoption Barriers Beyond Technology,” will be presented by Land O’Lakes, and Landus Ag CEO Matt Carstens will deliver the keynote address, “The Transformative Power of Connected Data in Ag Retail.”

“The meeting provides valuable insights and networking for anyone seeking to expand digital connectivity in agriculture,” adds Kemp. “It also features multiple networking opportunities, and several open working group sessions where teams discuss ways to advance their collaborative initiatives.”

Conference registration is $275, and a hotel room block at Prairie Meadows will be available until May 12 at the conference rate of $158/night.

For full conference information and registration, visit the Mid-Year Meeting web page. Meeting information and updates will also be available on Twitter at #AgGateway.


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