Cultivating a New Era at AgVend

From the Marketplace to Powering Grower Portals

We started AgVend to help both ag retailers and growers leverage technology to do business together more efficiently. We aimed to give our Partner Retailers a new channel of revenue to combat the pressures felt by third-party competitors like FBN and FarmTrade, while reaching a special segment of growers online. We call this segment of customers the transactional value-seekers, as they are primarily looking for a low-service way to purchase inputs and have no preferred retailer. At the time, this segment made up approximately 5-7% of the total market. Over the past two years, this number has grown to about 10%. We believe this percentage will continue to increase, but not as quickly as some expect.


This is part of the reason we are seeing some “disruptors” evolve their business model to become more similar to a traditional ag retailer rather than a new, “Amazon-esque” competitor. At AgVend, we’ve listened to the market and used our Marketplace to learn how different segments of growers want to do business online.

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