10 Ag Tech Products We Aren’t Ready for Yet

As I sit here and ponder what are all the great things that are being created for the agriculture industry I also have to take pause to push myself down into reality so that I don’t dig myself down into a rabbit whole, writes Nathan Faleide at Future Farming. You see, this is a constant issue for someone like myself who deals constantly with future planning and strategic initiatives.

There is always some new cool thing or company being created these days, especially in ag. As of late I feel many have got swept up in the hype and illusions of what some of these things promise. Everyone is to blame to a point, we are all trying to do our jobs or make money but with all this being said I figured I’d put together a list of what I feel we just aren’t ready for yet and basically why. This isn’t to poo poo anyone’s dreams or realities or even look down on any group but just a “hey, that’s cool but it’s just not very practical right now for most growers.” So here we go and in no particular order…


1) Small field robots
This might be the most obvious of them all and while they are cool, the logistics to manage, maintain, and transport such robots on a grand scale isn’t there. Beyond that, the public perception and impacts to local rural economies haven’t even been understood yet.

Continue reading at Future Farming.


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