Digital Twins Go Farming in Australia

According to CDOTrends, among a list of Australian startups to receive a round of venture capital funding recently was agritech company, Agronomeye. It is building digital twins to help farmers maximize yields and optimize sustainability.

The funding round for Agronomeye was small, at AUD3.5 million. But it was significant for several reasons, not least because among the investors was someone ranked as the 12th richest person in Australia with a net worth of AUD2.3 billion.


Cameron Adams is the co-founder of Australian technology startup Canva, one of the hottest unicorns the country has produced. It also dabbles in agriculture, with a few hectares on the southern island of Tasmania.

Adams told local media that he and his wife are on a mission to improve the land’s biodiversity and return it to how it was before human intervention. In that project, they can see the use of digital twinning technology.


Read more at CDOTrends.

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