Voices of Women in Ag Tech: Ambassador Profile on Jaymie Forrest

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Women in Ag Tech is a newly formed and crucial group that aims to provide women in agriculture technology with a platform to connect, engage, and build a community.

As part of our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the agricultural technology sector, we bring you exclusive insights from our inspirational ambassadors and other women leading the way forward in ag tech.


We recognize the importance of hearing directly from women in our industry. Their expertise and unique insights offer a fresh and dynamic approach to tackling challenges and driving innovation in this rapidly evolving field. Join us as we delve into their stories and expertise empowering you with the knowledge and inspiration to shape the future of Ag Tech.


In this Ambassador Profile, we feature Jaymie Forrest of Activ Technologies.

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Jaymie Forrest

Who are you and what do you do in the ag tech industry?
Jaymie Forrest: As President and CEO of Activ Technologies, I lead efforts to help companies and their trading partners enable digital supply chains to gain real-time visibility and management of orders, inventory, and shipments. In the ag tech industry, that visibility is critical to coordinating and collaborating with suppliers and shippers/distributors to drive and gain operating efficiencies in their supply chain management activities.

How did you achieve the success that you have in the industry?
JF: I attribute my success to good thinking and problem-solving skills combined with a strong work ethic and self-motivation. There is no doubt that a good education and being a lifelong learner have contributed. In addition, a willingness to take risks and to take on the “hard stuff” has also propelled me forward in my career. Ultimately though, perception of success is typically measured by realized achievements.

Could you share a pivotal moment in your career that helped you get to where you are today?
JF: There have been many pivotal moments – some sticking up for myself and achievements when others wanted to minimize them, some were moments of deep motivation, others were driven out of fear of failure, and many were pure determination. In some cases, they were lessons of time to value and how to avoid time sieves in the future. Learning the valuable lessons of weighing risk/rewards as well as effort/returns helps you to get better at judging the right opportunities.

What advice would you give to other women who are trying to succeed in this field?
JF: Be innovative and take risks, there are plenty of lessons learned in other industries that can be applied here and opportunities to innovate and create new efficiencies.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
JF: Be diligent, work hard, take risks, don’t expect respect — just earn it.

What’s a fun or unexpected fact about yourself?
JF: As an early adult I jumped down off the wall to run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.

What was your first job?
JF: Inside sales at Insight Enterprises in Phoenix, Arizona, but it quickly turned into procurement, inventory management, shipping operations to supply chain management as we call it today.

Women in Ag Tech is a crucial initiative for advancing and advocating for women in the field and provides a platform to connect, engage, and build a community. The initiative prioritizes opportunities for women to engage both face-to-face and virtually by cultivating a collaborative community through access to mentorship programs, idea exchanges, and collaboration with professionals and organizations within our industry.

Join our Women in Ag Tech LinkedIn Community Group and attend our first in-person meeting at Tech Hub LIVE in Des Moines, Iowa on July 24th. Learn More and Register at TechHubLIVE.com.


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